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In Harmony: Chakra Balance & Awareness - Lesson 1 - launching Sept 2024

In Harmony: Chakra Balance & Awareness - Lesson 1 - launching Sept 2024


  • On-Demand private session

  • 1 hour

  • All levels


What you will gain:

  • energy, vitality, balance, peace and clarity

  • ability to balance chakras yourself

  • connect with the Chakra Centres around the world

  • enhance spiritual, psychic and intuitive skills

  • maintain energy levels: stop people encroaching upon your chakra energy.

  • learn about psychic vampires, energy stealers and energetic imbalances

  • live a Higher Spiritual Purpose in your day-to-day living

  • learn the love languages: both healthy and unhealthy !

  • knowledge of what the future holds for healing and chakra balance

  • learn about ascension, dimensions and vibrations

  • ability to navigate the global chakras and any changes they bring up

You will study the nine chakras. This is a weekly study spending 1 week with each chakra (2 chakras the first week) to allow full integration of teachings. Moving 3D to 5D chakras included

How you learn:

  • weekly healing & cleansing (online by Lynda) before you connect with each chakra

  • study qualities, strengths, weaknesses of balance/imbalance for each chakra

  • ancient Indian practices for chakras of Sound Healing, chanting, affirmations and energy strengthening techniques

  • ongoing support - contact Lynda directly for support, help and pointers

  • Q & A's, links, resources and reading for your own weekly study

  • full course participation starting at Lesson 1 is required to gain full benefit of chakra development.

  • Lifelong access to your course and any future dates - you only pay once

Lesson 1: Earth Star (below) and Soul Star Chakra (above): Grounding, Balance, Stable Connections & Healthy Energy MovementLesson 2: Mulidhara: Root Chakra, beliefs: security and financial perspectivesLesson 3: Svaddhistana: Sacral Chakra: relationships with yourself and othersLesson 4: Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra: power exchanges, empowerment and willpower.Lesson 5: Anahata: Heart and Higher Heart Chakra: The Love vibrations, and Higher PurposeLesson 6: Vishudda: Throat Chakra: listening and communication skillsLesson 7: Ajna: Third Eye Chakra: instincts, knowing and psychic skillsLesson 8: Sahasrara: Crown Chakra: Divine ConnectionYour Guide

Lynda has been working with chakras for decades fusing teachings as a Yoga Siromani, Energy Healer, Crystal Healer. having anchored her Chakras 12 - 19 into her physical body. She is an empath, psychic and Lemurian elder. Full details in our About Us/Educator section

private session Content

1 sections1 lessons
Contents1 lessons
  1. 1Chakras
